Sunday, March 4, 2012

Women Have Breasts, But Are They Really Different From Men?

Seeing as it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I'm sure you've come across thousands of Breast Cancer slogans, reminders, flyers, banners, bracelets, bumper-stickers, etc. In light of this, I don't want to talk you to death about Breast Cancer. But I do feel moved to bring up a few things.

Cincinnati's FOX affiliate, WXIX Channel 19 has made the 19th of every month "Self-Breast Exam Day". It is recommended that all women perform atleast one self-breast exam a month. Seeing that the majority of women are likely to forget, Channel 19 has designated the 19th day of each month as the time to perform this exam in hopes that women will remember, and remind other women to perform their self-breast exams.

I thought to myself after seeing a Self-Exam advertisement, "How many women actually do that?" I thought from the perspective of a man. If we had to peform a monthly self-exam of ourselves, I know we'd likely never do it. We have so many other things on our minds that we'd likely forget. If not that, we'd have the intention to do it, but never actually do it because it seems so easy that we'd continue to put it off. And if that wasn't the case, we wouldn't do it for the sake of feeling as though we're too masculine to touch ourselves for longer than it takes to use the restroom. This got me to thinking further, "Women have breasts, but are they really different from men?"

Sure, women and men are different in dozens of different ways. But at the end of the day, we're all human beings. And that commonality gives all of us the capability to be absent-minded, forgetful, lazy, embarassed, or just plain negligent. I haven't done any research concerning how many women actually do or don't do self-breast exams. I'm simply working off the human likelihood to overlook matters of health until something negative is imminent.

So as a friend and a brother, I am personally asking you to EXAMINE YOURSELF! I had a good friend lose her mom to breast cancer. I hate that death has to be the constant reminder that life is short. But in most cases, death is the only thing that will get our attention. Breast Cancer IS REAL. YOU can have it. YOU can also reduce your risk, and BEAT IT if you catch it early enough. There are people in your life who want you to be here as long as possible. Do them the favor of taking care of you, if you won't do it for yourself. My 18 year-old sister-in-law had a mammogram. If she can get one, so can you. It's never too early to start taking care of the future.

I am asking you in love to make the 19th of the month your Self-Breast Exam Day. AND ACTUALLY DO IT! I know many are likely to say "I do mine in the shower every day." If that's the case, great. I'm not going to tell you what you do, or don't do. But I do ask that if you are one of these people, that every 19th you do a self-breast exam outside of the shower. It just seems to me that one would be able to pay closer attention to detail outside of the shower.

I thank you for taking time to read this. May the love, grace, and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ abundantly abide with, and in you. I declare that life, wellness, and strength are yours, and I stand in agreement with you always for these things.


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